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how to singly linked list??? (in Crystal)

So recently, I found this awesome video by Low Level Learning where he speaks on singly linked lists (unfortunately the video is unavailable as of January 2025). With my terrible, or should I say, almost non-existent knowledge of data structures, I decided to follow the video to learn about one of them. The code in the video was written in C, however I wanted to be ✨different✨ and to use another language. I picked Crystal, mainly because:

This was the start of a very interesting journey (should I even call it journey? It was done in a few hours, after all…). Well, in either case, I’ll recap what happened here. While the code might be in Crystal, I’ll be trying to explain it in a language-agnostic way, so I hope this helps other people to learn a bit about how singly linked lists (I’ll call them SLLs from here since the phrase is too long) work.

humble beginnings

Everything began with the definition of a struct for a node. In a SLL, every item is called a node, which each has a pointer to the next item in the list. This was fairly straightforward:

struct Node
  property nxt, data

  def initialize(@nxt : Pointer(Node)?, @data : Int32)

I had to name the variable for the next node’s pointer as nxt since next is a reserved keyword in Crystal.

The next thing to do was to create a variable that holds the head of the SLL. The head is a pointer which points to the first node in the list. This is not specific to a node, so it had to be global; however the problem is that Crystal doesn’t have global variables, at least not directly. So, I created a module with a class variable (represented by @@ at the front) which are variables of a class or module itself instead of instances.

module Globals
  extend self

  @@head : Pointer(Node)? = nil

  def head

  def set_head(value : Pointer(Node)?)
    @@head = value

I also created a set_head method so as to change the value of head from outside the class.

user interface

Now that the basics were done, the next thing to do was to create a simple UI for the user to figure out how to work with the list.

def print_menu
  puts "You have the following options."
  puts "\t1. To add a node to the list."
  puts "\t2. To remove a node from the list."
  puts "\t3. Insert a node between two nodes in the list."
  puts "\t4. Print your list."
  puts "\t5. Quit."

Super simple, nothing too fancy.

I next created the handlers for the options:

option = -1

while option != 5
  option = gets(chomp: true).to_s.to_i

  if option > 0 && option <= 5
    case option
    when 1
      # add operation
    when 2
      # remove operation
    when 3
      # insert operation
    when 5
      # do nothing


Time for the functions. Three functions were implemented in the video, and I’ll go over each one.

adding a node

Let’s begin with the function to add a node.

To add a node, we could go in two directions. One would be to add the node to the back, but in that case we’d have to traverse the whole list to find where the list ends, which makes the time complexity O(n). That would cause the program to slow down a lot if there are many elements. Thus, it’s a better idea to add to the front, which will provide a constant time complexity of O(1). For this, we first allocate the memory for a new node, then check for two edge cases as follows:

All that can be implemented in a function as follows:

# add a node to the list
def add_node(data : Int32) : Pointer(Node)?
  new : Pointer(Node)? = nil

  # two cases:
  # if the list is empty
  if Globals.head == nil
    new = Pointer(Node).malloc(sizeof(Node))

    return nil if new == nil

    # set the head to point to the new node = data
    new.value.nxt = nil
    # if list is not empty
    new = Pointer(Node).malloc(sizeof(Node))

    return nil if new == nil

    # set the new node pointer to point to the existing head, then make the head point to it = data
    new.value.nxt = Globals.head

  return new

We then add the necessary code into the case handler to run the function via the UI.

# ...
when 1
  # add operation
  puts "What data should I insert?"
  data_to_insert = uninitialized Int32

  loop do
      data_to_insert = gets(chomp: true).to_s.to_i
      puts "Data must be a 32-bit integer. Try again!"

  new : Pointer(Node)? = add_node(data_to_insert)
when 2
# ...

Note the use of the loop and the begin block. I did that in order to handle cases when a non-integer value was inputted, otherwise the program would just crash.


removing a node

Next, removing a node.

To remove a node, we need to remove the link that the previous node has with it. We need to make it so that the link points to the element after the one that we are removing, effectively making the node inaccessible. After that, we free the memory of that node.

In code, it would be implemented as such:

# remove a node from the list
def remove_node(data : Int32) : Int32
  # set current and previous nodes as head
  current : Pointer(Node)? = Globals.head
  prev : Pointer(Node)? = Globals.head

  # loop while the current and previous nodes are not nil
  while current && prev
    if == data
      # if current node is the list head
      if current == Globals.head
        # if current node is not list head
        prev.value.nxt = current.value.nxt
        # free the memory for current at this point

      return 0 # found the element

    # move each pointer to their next one after every iteration
    prev = current
    current = current.value.nxt

  return 1 # element not found

This function returns a 0 if the node was found and removed, and returns 1 if it wasn’t found. This helps in handling of the function.

Do note that if you’re using C or any other language without a garbage collector, you need to free the memory for the removed node to prevent a memory leak. Crystal has a garbage collector, so that’s not necessary here.

We then create the handler for the function:

# ...
when 2
  # remove operation
  puts "What data should I remove?"
  data_to_remove = uninitialized Int32

  loop do
      data_to_remove = gets(chomp: true).to_s.to_i
      puts "Data must be a 32-bit integer. Try again!"

  return_value = remove_node(data_to_remove)

  if return_value == 1
    puts "Element not found"
when 3
# ...

That’s it!

inserting a node

By inserting a node, we mean putting a node in between two existing ones.

Let’s call the new node N. Say, that the linked list we currently have has three nodes A, B and C with indexes 0, 1 and 2 as such:

A:0 -> B:1 -> C:2

If N is going to be inserted at position 1, we will insert it in front of B, and then cut the current link between B and C such that the list becomes this:

A:0 -> B:1 -> N:2 -> C:3

This would be implemented in code as follows:

# insert a node to a position in the list
def insert_node(data : Int32, position : Int32) : Pointer(Node)?
  # set head as current node
  current = Globals.head

  # check if the position is too far into the list
  while current && position != 0
    position -= 1
    current = current.value.nxt

  if position != 0
    puts "Requested position is too far into the list"
    return nil

  # if the position is in the list, continue as such:
  new : Pointer(Node)? = Pointer(Node).malloc(sizeof(Node))

  return nil if new == nil

  if current = data
    new.value.nxt = current.value.nxt
    current.value.nxt = new

  return new

We return the new node if the insertion succeeded, and return nil if it didn’t, possibly because of the position being too high.

We handle the function as follows:

# ...
when 3
  # insert operation
  puts "What data should I insert?"
  data_to_insert = uninitialized Int32
  position = uninitialized Int32

  loop do
      data_to_insert = gets(chomp: true).to_s.to_i
      puts "Data must be a 32-bit integer. Try again!"

  puts "What position?"
  loop do
      position = gets(chomp: true).to_s.to_i
      puts "Position must be a 32-bit integer. Try again!"

  new = insert_node(data_to_insert, position)

  if new == nil
    puts "Failed to insert into list."
when 4
# ...

And we’re done!

printing the list

Don’t forget to do this! For this, simply loop over the list and print each node’s data.

# print out the list
def print_list
  current : Pointer(Node)? = Globals.head

  while current
    print "#{}->"
    current = current.value.nxt

  puts ""

Handle it in the case block:

# ...
when 4
  # print the list
when 5
# ...

And we’re done! Run the program and check out this fancy new data structure you’ve just learned about.

If you’re still not sure, you can check out the GitHub Gist for this program.